Erectile Dysfunction 11 Causes

Erectile Dysfunction 11 Causes

There is a general misconception about impotence and erectile dysfunction being two separate conditions. In fact, impotence is just another term for erectile dysfunction. If you have a problem in achieving an erection more than 70% of the times when you want to have sex, you are suffering from erectile dysfunction.

Impotence is the same thing, but it also encompasses other concerns related to sexual health such as low libido and issues with ejaculation.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction
  • Disruption of blood flow in the body or disruption in hormonal secretion and nerve supply to the body.
  • Vascular and neurological causes.
  • Occurrence of a disease known as atherosclerosis, which is caused due to smoking and diabetes. In this case, the arteries in the penis get narrowed and clogged.
  • Neuropathy, which occurs because of diabetes or diabetic neuropathy.
  • Nerve damage because of a previous surgery around the pelvis area.
  • High blood pressure or hypertension also result in damaged arteries throughout the vascular system. Blood flow gets impaired and proper erection is hampered.
  • Physical causes such as high cholesterol and obesity, Parkinson’s disease and multiple cases of sclerosis.
  • Smoking, excessive drinking and substance abuse.
  • The reactions and side effects of certain medicines.
  • Several psychological factors such as depression, excessive stress, tension, and performance anxiety, which reduce libido.
  • Poor communication with the sexual partner Intake of several medicines such as alpha adrenergic blockers, beta blockers, chemotherapy medications and central nervous system depressants.

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