The Facts and Myths about Wet Dreams

The Facts and Myths about Wet Dreams

Wet Dream is known Medically as a Nocturnal Emission .

Wet dreams are when a person orgasms involuntarily while they are sleeping because of a dream .

They are called wet dreams because when a male has this type of dream, he may awaken with wet clothing or bedding. This is because semen, the fluid containing sperm, is released during ejaculation.

There are many myths about wet dreams

1. Wet dreams do not reduce sperm count

Some people believe that wet dreams will reduce a man’s sperm count. However, wet dreams are a way for the testicles to remove older sperm and help with the natural formation of new, healthy sperm in the body.

2. Wet dreams do not reduce a person’s immunity

Some people believe that wet dreams can cause a person to have lower immunity to things such as a cold or infection. This is a myth and has no basis in fact.

However, wet dreams can help reduce excess sperm in the testicles, which is a healthy function for a male’s reproductive system.

3. Wet dreams only happen during puberty

Share on PinterestWet dreams are more common in puberty due to hormonal changes, but they can also happen during adulthood.

While wet dreams are most common during puberty , they can also happen during adulthood.

4. Wet dreams are not a sign of illness

It is a myth that wet dreams are a result of an underlying illness or medical condition. In fact, the opposite is true.

Wet dreams are a normal occurrence and may be a sign of healthy sexual functioning.

5. Wet dreams will not shrink a penis

Some people believe that wet dreams reduce the size of the person’s penis. However, there is no scientific evidence for this.

There are no illnesses, conditions, or natural occurrences that will cause the male reproductive organ to shrink.

6. Wet dreams are not always erotic dreams

Wet dreams are often associated with sexual or erotic dreams. However, this is not always the case.

A person can have a wet dream without dreaming about sexual activity and may become aroused due to stimulation from friction with the bedding or other factors.

7. Sleeping on the stomach may induce a wet dream

One study suggests that sleeping on the stomach makes it more likely the person will experience a sexual dream.

The evidence is limited, however, and more studies need to be done to determine if sleep position plays any role in whether a person experiences wet dreams.


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